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Table of ContentsInigo Peng (MS ’21)
As a staff data scientist at FlowWest in northern California, an organization that uses technology to find solutions to water and natural resources issues, Inigo Peng utilizes data integration, analytics and visualization tools on large government projects.
Megan Husted (MS '23)
An internship in the Office of Environmental Justice at the White House Council on Environmental Quality gave Megan Husted a peek into how the government can effect change. Now, she’s creating her own impact as special assistant in the Office of Electricity at the Department of Energy.
Ali Shakoor (MS ’14)
Ali Shakoor is completing his PhD at Wayne State University in Detroit, where he has been researching the effects of Microcystis exposure on the early-life history of walleye. A tournament fisherman who competes in Montana, South Dakota and the Upper Midwest, Shakoor also educates others about science and the ecosystem challenges facing the Great Lakes.