Fish Conservation & Aquaculture Lab (G136 Dana)
The Alofs Fish Conservation & Aquaculture Lab studies aquaculture’s potential contribution to the global food supply through the understanding of ecologically sensitive aquaculture practices, particularly in developing countries. Additionally, they study a variety of natural ecosystems, focusing mainly on native species, particularly pike and muskellunge. This facility houses a large recirculating-filtration system for a variety of aquatics experiments involving algae, invertebrates and fishes. The Fish Lab is comprised of two main aquarium rooms. It is approved as a live animal holding facility and is used for holding animals requiring water. It is equipped with swimming flumes and respirometers and can be used for live recording of behavior. The Aquatic Lab is designed around twin reservoirs. It is equipped for video recording and analysis, with high speed video cameras, underwater video cameras, video analyzers, digital monitors, frame grabbers and synchronization boards.