Nabin Pradhan
Nabin Pradhan is a postdoctoral research fellow working with Dr. Arun Agrawal in the School for Environment and Sustainability at the University of Michigan. He is an interdisciplinary researcher, and his research focuses on the triple sustainability challenges: climate change, biodiversity loss, and inequality, synthesizing information for scaling sustainable transformations. His PhD dissertation focuses on scaling sustainable transformations through social safety net programs. His current research examines how inequality, climate change, and demographic shifts impact political instability and health outcomes in lower- and middle-income countries (L&MICs).
Fischer, H.W., Chhatre, A., Duddu, A., Pradhan, N., Agrawal, A., 2023. Community forest governance and synergies among carbon, biodiversity and livelihoods. Nat. Clim. Chang. 13, 1340–1347.
Agrawal, A., Erbaugh, J., Pradhan, N., 2023. The Commons. Annual Review of Environment and Resources 48, 531–558.
Agrawal, A., Brandhorst, S., Jain, M., Liao, C., Pradhan, N., Solomon, D., 2022. From environmental governance to governance for sustainability. One Earth 5, 615–621.
Erbaugh, J.T., Pradhan, N., Adams, J., Oldekop, J.A., Agrawal, A., Brockington, D., Pritchard, R., Chhatre, A., 2020. Global forest restoration and the importance of prioritizing local communities. Nat Ecol Evol 4, 1472–1476.
Davis, K.F., Chhatre, A., Rao, N.D., Singh, D., Ghosh-Jerath, S., Mridul, A., Poblete-Cazenave, M., Pradhan, N., DeFries, R., 2019. Assessing the sustainability of post-Green Revolution cereals in India. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 116, 25034–25041.
PhD in Environment and Sustainability, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor