Lizhu Wang
Li Wang is an adjunct associate professor at SEAS. Evaluating influences of natural and anthropogenic environmental factors on water quality, physical habitat, and biological communities; modeling relationships among hydrology, thermal, landscape, land-use, physical habitat, and biota; developing multistate and Great Lakes region-wide spatial and data framework, developing tools and conducting aquatic system classification for management practice evaluation and environmental impairment assessment; assessing potential impacts of climate and land-use changes on aquatic ecosystems, and providing science-based management and policy advice to address binational water quality and quantity issues.
- Zhao, K., K. Song, Y. Pan, L. Da, L. Wang, Q. Wang. 2016. Metacommunity Structure of Zooplankton in River Networks: Roles of Environmental and Spatial Factors. Ecological Indicators (Accepted).
- Wang L., D. Infante, C. Riseng, K.Wehrly. 2016. Advancement of geospatial capability by NRiSD and GLAHF in enhancing aquatic ecosystem research and management. Geoinformatics & Geostatistics: An Overview 4 (2):1-5.
- Forsyth, D.K., C.M. Riseng, K.E. Wehrly, L.A. Mason, J. Gaiot, T. Hollenhorst, C. Johnston, C. Wyrzykowski, G. Annis, C. Castiglione, K. Todd, M. Robertson, D.M. Infante, L. Wang, J. E. McKenna, G. Whelan. 2016. The Great Lakes Hydrography Dataset: Consistent, Binational Watersheds for the Laurentian Great Lakes Basin. Journal of American Water Resource Association DOI: 10.1111/1752-1688.12435.
- Pan, Y., L. Wang, Y. Cao, W. Pang, Q. Wang, G. Deng. 2016. Variation of benthic algal assemblages among habitats in subalpine karstic lakes and implications for bioassessment of nature reserves. Hydrobiologia. DOI: 10.1007/s10750-016-2775
- Woznicki, S.A., A.P. Nejadhashemi, Y. Tang, L. Wang. 2016. Large-scale Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment of Stream Health. Ecological Indicators 69:578-594.
PhD, Montana State University (aquatic ecology)
MS, Montana State University (fisheries and wildlife)
BS, Dalian Ocean University (aquaculture)