Kripa Akila Jagannathan
Kripa is a postdoctoral research fellow working with Dr. Maria Carmen Lemos. Kripa’s interests are in the field of climate change adaptation, climate-resilient planning, and co-production of actionable science. Her recent research has focused on improving the usability of climate science, and enabling science-based adaptation decision-making for cities, resource managers, and farming communities. Currently, Kripa is working on a National Academy of Sciences project that will assist small- and mid-sized coastal cities within the U.S. Gulf region, to strengthen their capacity to adapt to climate-related extreme events. In addition, she is collaborating with the Cooperative Institute for Great Lakes Research (CIGLR), to help improve the usability of ice forecasts from the Great Lakes Operational Forecast System.
Kripa also co-leads the co-production efforts of a large Department of Energy funded project at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab where scientists and resource managers are working together to evaluate and improve the decision-relevance of climate projections for long-range planning. She is an active member of a working group on the ‘science of actionable knowledge’ which explores the drivers of the generation and use of actionable knowledge.
- Jagannathan, K., Jones, A.D., and Ray, I. (2020). The making of a metric: Co-producing decision-relevant climate science for water management. Bulletin for American Meteorological Society. Early online release.
- Jagannathan, K., Jones, A.D., and Kerr, A.C. (2020). Implications of climate model selection for projections of decision-relevant metrics: A case study of chill hours in California. Climate Services. In press.
- Jagannathan, K., Arnott, J. C., Wyborn, C., Klenk, N., Mach, K. J., Moss, R. H., & Sjostrom, K. D. (2020). Great expectations? Reconciling the aspiration, outcome, and possibility of co-production. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 42, 22-29.
- Wong-Parodi, G., Mach, K.J., Jagannathan, K., Sjostrom, K.D. (2019) Insights for developing effective decision support tools for environmental sustainability. ‘Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability’. 42 (2020): 52-59.
- Lemos, M.C., Arnott, J.C., Ardoin, N.M., Baja, K., Bednarek, A.T., Dewulf, A., Fieseler, C., Goodrich, K.A., Jagannathan, K., Klenk, N. and Mach, K.J. (2018). To co-produce or not co-produce. Nature Sustainability, 1, 722-724.
- Milman, A., & Jagannathan, K. (2017). Conceptualization and implementation of ecosystems-based adaptation. Climatic Change, 142 (1-2), 113-127.
- Helmstedt, K., Jagannathan, K., et al. (2015). Designing Intelligent Food, Energy & Water Systems (In-FEWS). National Science Foundation Report.