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Edward S. Rutherford
Teaching includes courses in fish ecology and fisheries science. Recent research includes exotic species impacts on aquatic food webs and predator-prey dynamics; understanding environmental factors influencing fish spawning, growth and survival; consequences of dam removal or altering hydropower operations for fish habitat and production; use of GIS to classify and map Great Lakes fish habitats; use of hydrodynamic circulation models and satellite imagery to understand effects of climate variability on advection and survival of fish eggs and larvae.
- Hook, T.O., E.S. Rutherford, G.S. Carter, and D.M. Mason. In press. Hatch dates, growth, survival and over-winter mortality of age-0 alewives in Lake Michigan: Implications for habitat-specific recruitment success. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society.
- Adlerstein, S.A., E.S. Rutherford, J.A. Clevenger, J.E. Johnson, D.F. Clapp, and A.P. Woldt. In press. Lake Trout Movements in US Waters of Lake Huron Interpreted from Coded Wire Tag Recoveries in Recreational Fisheries. Journal of Great Lakes Research 33:186-201.
- Godby, N.A., Jr., E.S. Rutherford, and D.M. Mason. 2007. Diet, consumption, growth, survival, and production of juvenile steelhead in a Lake Michigan tributary. North American Journal of Fisheries Management Vol. 27:578-592.
- Wang, H-Y, E.S. Rutherford, H.A. Cook, D.W. Einhouse, R.C. Haas, T.B. Johnson, R. Kenyon, B. Locke, M.W. Turner. 2007. Movement of Walleye in Lakes Erie and St. Clair Inferred from Tag Return and Fisheries Data. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society Vol. 136:539-551.
- Hook, T.O., M.J. McCormick, E.S. Rutherford, D.M. Mason and G.S. Carter. 2006. Short-term water mass movements in Lake Michigan: implications for larval fish transport. Journal of Great Lakes Research 32:728-737.
- 2008: Development of GIS – based decision support system for evaluation of lake-bed alterations. $29,984 from Michigan Dept. Environ. Quality. E.S. Rutherford (P.I.) with C.A. Geddes.
- 2006-2010: Development of a GIS for inventory, classification and management of non-game wildlife in Great Lakes waters. Michigan DNR, $390,000.
- 1970-2004: Impacts of multiple stressors on Lake Huron Fish Communities, an integrative analysis. E.S. Rutherford (co-PI), with P.I. Sara Adlerstein, R. Haas, D. Fielder, L. Mohr, J.Johnson, and S. Riley. Great Lakes Fisheries Commission.
- Quantitative tools to predict sea lamprey production based on habitat: prioritizing dam removal and contrl decisions - Development of a sea lamprey habitat model. E.S Rutherford (co-P.I.), with E. Silverman (P.I.), M.J. Wiley and S.A. Adlerstein. Great Lakes Fisheries Commission.
- Classification and Analysis of Great Lakes Fisheries Habitats. $537,240, 2003-2008. MDNR Fisheries Division. E.S. Rutherford (P.I.)
PhD, University of Maryland (fisheries)
MS, University of Miami (fisheries)
BS, Tufts University (biology)
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