Just Workforce Development in Wildfire Management (Just Wildfire Workforce project)
Pasadena, California, USA
Project Description
A SEAS master’s project will develop and test a framework for assessing environmental, social, and
economic impacts of FFRP. The focus will be on capturing the impact of FFRP’s fire management and
fire suppression practices on forest and fuels conditions. The master’s project will investigate the
utility of existing frameworks and develop new indicators and criteria through analysis of secondary
research methods (reports, datasets) and primary research methods (e.g., individual and group
interviews with key actors in the wildland and forestry sector). The proposed framework will be
summarized in a research paper or report.
Project Status
In Progress
Client Organization
Forestry and Fire Recruitment Program
Students Involved
Alexandra Crilley
Chloe Hernandez
Kendall Koenen
Daniela Giordano
Zhuxin Wu
SEAS Faculty Advisor