Digital Waste “State of Waste”
Goals & Objectives:
The product system will identify waste, material type trends, patterns and the system will be utilized as a service that replaces landfills with customized technology solutions. The system will direct waste for better placement options and introduce universal feedstocks globally. Throughout history supply chain disruptions and mishandling of waste developed loss of revenue and lack of education or awareness of the value of waste resources. Our digital waste system will give our customers the opportunity to automate the supply chain efficiently, integrate technology with waste for the purpose of bioproduct production. The difference between waste and feedstocks is waste is identified as unwanted or unusable materials, it’s usually discarded. Feedstocks are raw materials and unprocessed materials that are misunderstood globally but we believe we have the opportunity to educate the public with a pilot or demonstration. Our customers are no longer interested in relinquishing their waste but mitigating risk and relying on association with byproducts and sustainable goals. The digital system will provide features for tracking, monitoring and mitigating risk with byproducts.
Theoretical Justification, Social Benefit, or Significance:
This project is important for the purpose of developing solutions for food waste, supply chain disruption and diverting food from landfills. Socially we have been dealing with food insecurity issues nationally and globally but the opportunity to redirect food systems will assist with supporting solutions that will solve food insecurity and reducing CO2. Economically we’re discarding food at an alarming rate, if we design the appropriate systems with strategies that will provide tax incentives, and cost analysis will provide strengths and weaknesses or alternatives for wasting less food.
Specific Activities & Duration:
Yes, food systems and food waste platforms haven’t fully developed a universal process or solution combating the issue. Over the next 3-4 years policies, market development and infrastructure will begin to fully develop
Integrative Approach:
How does the proposed research integrate the skills of disparate team members to generate an effective final product/output? An integrative approach will produce real life practical applications that will encourage students to align their research with solutions for various communities. The students will develop knowledge and skills that will foster more connections to utilize the project outcomes for future career pathways. Creating opportunities for students by connecting concepts, experiences and applying skills to complex issues is priority for our organization.
Brianna Fogal [SS]
Claire O'Dea [SS]
Angie Sillah [SD]