The Psychology Of Environmental Stewardship
An enduring challenge of crafting a truly sustainable society is to create one in which people will want to live. Although it is an ecological necessity to live an austere existence, people will not eagerly pursue such a life if it is only presented as a necessity of survival.
The issue here is psychological. How do we reframe and promote a sustainable existence so that people not only accept it, but actually seek it out? How do we support people so they begin building this society as soon as possible? These questions are explored through the framework of their being a behavioral challenge, not a political or technological issue.
To meet this challenge, behavior change strategies are reviewed, some in early stages of development. Emphasis is on changing behavior in ways that it remains changed (durable) long after the intervention program ends, and expands to include new behaviors. Examples of such durable and growing behavior change are provided at the individual, neighborhood, and community level. Behavior change is further studied through the local, recently developed A2Zero carbon neutrality initiative.